It has finally arrived! This is my new little bandsaw...well it weights 110kg, but it's a beauty, isn't it? It fits perfectly in my little shop. I need to tidy up a little, but then I'll post some pictures of the rest of my workshop.
But back to the bandsaw. I did a lot of research and it took me month to finally decide which one I'm going to buy. It was clear to me early on that I wanted a machine from RecordPower. But they have so many versions. Check out their arsenal:
I had two on my shortlist - the smaller BS300 and the bigger BS350. Well I bought the bigger one of course. It has more power and some more features. I found a really nice offer from a german importer (Werkzeughandel Meyer) and couldn't resist.
It came via a hauler directly to my house and the lovely driver was kind enough to put the round about 130kg heavy package right in front of my workshop. It took me some time to put it together and to calibrate everything. The calibration was really though, everything has to be in a right angle or parallel to each other. But it worked out pretty well and the first cuts were promising. I'll keep you updated after some projects using the bandsaw.
Thihihi I'm so excited :D
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